Joy M. Yeakley, LCSW



Through play and the healing power of relationship, hurting children are restored.

Play is the natural language of children. They tell us what they need, how they feel, and what has happened to them in their play.  

Children also know intuitively what they need to do in order to heal.  

In a safe environment, in a trusting relationship with a therapist, and through the language of play, children get right to work.  They are courageous and tireless in their need to share their experiences with one who can be fully present with them.  By being present with a child’s play, we enter that child’s experience of the world.  

Specializing in:

anxiety • trauma • play therapy • family play therapy • attachment • depression

Choose Your Own Adventure

Are you looking to healing from trauma? Looking for coping skills? Stronger relationships? Parent coaching? Relief from anxiety or depression? Breaking the cycle of abuse?

Are you feeling anxious? Depressed? Stuck in a cycle of abuse? Hopeless? angry? Frustrated that you keep finding yourself in the same relationship over and over again?

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Are you looking for parenting skills? Peace in your home? Connection with your child? Keeping your child safe? Limits on technology and social media? Ways to calm your child when your child is upset? Help with your teen? Ways to help your child heal from trauma?

Are you feeling frustrated? Overwhelmed? Stuck in the same cycle in conversations or arguments with your child? Feeling like you are walking on eggshells around your child? Angry at your child? Worried if your child will be ready for the real world?

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I work to provide educational and supportive supervision in Play Therapy, LCSW/LPC, School Social Worker, School Counselor. If you’re interested in opportunities for Clinical Supervision, please click below to learn more.

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